A UL-142 Spirits Storage Vessel at Woodinville Whisky's Maturing Facility in Quincy WAAn ASME pressure vessel for a clients process
An ASME pressure vessel for silicone manufacturingThe bottom of an ASME Pressure Vessel. Steam heating jacket on bottom

Spokane Stainless Technologies Boasts Decades of Experience in Code Vessel Engineering and Fabrication!




An ASME stainless steel pressure vessel is designed to store pressurized fluids or gases securely and efficiently. The acronym ASME represents the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, a professional body that establishes standards and codes for engineering products and practices. These pressure tanks are constructed in compliance with ASME standards, guaranteeing their quality, dependability, and safety. They are commonly utilized across multiple industries, including chemical, pharmaceutical, dairy, food processing, refrigeration, and energy sectors.


Making an ASME vessel requires a high level of skill and precision. Only a company that has the experience and reputation in the industry can do it. To make an ASME vessel, a company needs to have the appropriate certification, equipment, and expertise. ASME requires the company to maintain a stringent quality control program/manual. The company must also have the appropriate ASME certification mark and designator for the type of tank it produces. Spokane Stainless Technologies maintains the following marks:

U for Pressure Vessels

UM for Miniature Pressure Vessels

H for Heating Boilers

R for Pressure Vessel Modification and Repair

A company that can make an ASME vessels must follow the ASME codes and regulations, which specify the design, fabrication, inspection, testing, and operation of pressure vessels. The company must also have qualified engineers and welders who can ensure the quality and safety of the vessel. Additionally, the company must have the necessary tools and machines to cut, shape, weld, and assemble the tank components. ASME certified companies are subject to periodic audits by ASME authorized inspectors, who verify that the companies comply with the applicable codes and standards. The audits are conducted in accordance with the ASME Accreditation and Certification Procedures, which specify the frequency, scope and criteria for the audits. The audits aim to ensure that the companies maintain a quality system that meets the ASME requirements and that they produce safe and reliable products.


The ASME U and UM marks are symbols that indicate the compliance of pressure vessels with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. The main difference between U and UM vessels is that UM marked vessels are smaller in volume and have less stringent inspection requirements than U marked vessels. For example, U vessels need a 3rd party ASME inspector to review the calculations and witness the hydro test, while UM vessels do not. In-House CI (Certified Individual that is tested and audited every year) can certify UM vessels for the ASME mark. UM vessels also have lower frequency of audits than U vessels. Both U and UM vessels can have similar operating pressures, depending on their size and design.


ASME vessels are not always a requirement, but they do offer some distinct advantages over non-ASME tanks. Some of these advantages are:

ASME Tanks...

  • are widely recognized and accepted by regulatory authorities, inspectors, insurers and customers as meeting the highest standards of safety and quality.
  • are recognized and accepted by many jurisdictions and authorities around the world. They can help avoid legal issues, fines, or penalties for non-compliance.
  • are subject to rigorous quality control and inspection to prevent failures and accidents that could cause injuries, damages, or losses.
  • are optimized for the specific operating conditions and requirements of each application. They can withstand high pressures and temperatures, resist corrosion and erosion, and minimize leakage and waste.
  • may have more flexibility and versatility than non-ASME tanks, as they can be customized to meet specific customer needs and specifications, as well as accommodate different operating conditions and environments.
  • may have lower maintenance costs and longer service life than non-ASME tanks, due to the rigorous design, fabrication and inspection procedures that ensure their reliability and durability.
  • may have higher resale value and easier marketability than non-ASME tanks, especially in industries that require compliance with ASME codes or other similar standards.

However, ASME vessels also have some disadvantages or limitations compared to non-ASME tanks. Some of these are:

ASME Tanks...

  • are usually more expensive than non-ASME tanks, due to the higher material, labor and inspection costs involved in their production.
  • may have longer lead times and delivery schedules than non-ASME tanks, due to the complexity and documentation requirements of the ASME code.
  • may have stricter design constraints and limitations than non-ASME tanks, due to the prescriptive nature of the ASME code, which may limit innovation or deviation from the established rules.

Therefore, whether an ASME vessel is a requirement or not depends on the specific situation and needs of each customer and/or process. Some customers may prefer or need an ASME vessel for their application, while others may opt for a non-ASME vessel that meets their expectations and budget. The best way to determine if an ASME vessel is a requirement or not is to consult with a qualified and experienced tank or vessel manufacturer like Spokane Stainless Technologies who can provide professional advice and guidance based on the customer's requirements and specifications.


Yes! Spokane Stainless Technologies is certified to repair and modify ASME vessels, and has been issued the ASME R stamp. An ASME R stamp is a certification issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors (NBBI) that authorizes the holder to repair and alter pressure-retaining equipment, such as pressure vessels and boilers. The R stamp indicates that the manufacturer or organization has met the quality control system requirements and has been inspected and approved by an authorized inspector. The R stamp also specifies whether the repairs can be done at the repair firm or a field location, or both. We are certified to do both shop and field repairs.

Let our decades of experience set you on the right course!


UL 142 TANK?

A UL142 tank is a type of aboveground storage tank that meets the standards of the Underwriters Laboratories (UL), a safety certification company. UL142 tanks are designed to store flammable and combustible liquids, such as alcohol and high proof spirits. It is manufactured according to the UL 142 standard, which covers the tank materials, construction, performance tests, markings, and production line tests. A UL 142 tank can have various shapes, orientations, compartments, and supports, depending on the application and installation requirements. A UL 142 tank can also have a primary or secondary containment, or both, to prevent leakage and environmental contamination. A UL 142 tank can withstand a maximum working pressure of 0.5 psig as measured from the top of the tank .


To make a UL142 tank, one needs to follow the specifications and requirements set by UL. The company must have the appropriate equipment, materials, and quality control procedures to ensure compliance with the UL specifications. The company must also be certified by the UL or an authorized third-party organization to perform the fabrication, testing, and labeling of the tanks.


A UL 142 tank is a type of steel tank that meets the standards of the Underwriters Laboratories (UL) for storing flammable and combustible liquids.

A company that makes distilled spirits may need a UL 142 tank for several reasons:

  • First, a UL 142 tank is a type of steel tank that meets the standards of the Underwriters Laboratories (UL) for aboveground storage of flammable and combustible liquids. Distilled spirits are considered flammable liquids because they have a flash point below 100°F (37.8°C). Therefore, they must be stored in a safe and compliant manner to prevent fire hazards and environmental damage.
  • Second, a UL 142 tank can offer some advantages over other types of tanks, such as corrosion resistance, leak detection, secondary containment, and ease of installation and maintenance. These features can help the company reduce the risk of spills, leaks, and contamination, as well as save on operational costs and downtime.
  • Third, a UL 142 tank can also meet the requirements of other codes and regulations that may apply to the company's operations, such as the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
  • Fourth, a UL 142 tank can also comply with the regulations of the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB), which is the federal agency that oversees the production, distribution, and taxation of distilled spirits. The TTB requires that distilled spirits be stored in approved containers that are secure, durable, and tamper-evident.

A UL 142 tank can meet these criteria and ensure the quality and safety of the product. By using a UL 142 tank, the company can ensure that it complies with the relevant laws, insurance requirements, and standards that govern the safe production, storage, and distribution of distilled spirits.

Let our decades of experience set you on the right course!




A DOT certified tank is a type of container that meets the safety standards of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) for transporting hazardous materials. A DOT certified tank is required when the material being transported is flammable, corrosive, toxic, or otherwise poses a risk to public health or the environment. The DOT regulates the design, construction, testing, inspection, and maintenance of these tanks to ensure they can withstand the pressure, temperature, and mechanical stress that may occur during transportation. A DOT certified tank is also marked with a label that indicates its specifications, such as capacity, pressure rating, and material compatibility.

Some examples of materials that require a DOT certified tank are gasoline, propane, ammonia, chlorine, and hydrogen. These materials are classified as Class 2 (gases), Class 3 (flammable liquids), Class 4 (flammable solids), Class 5 (oxidizers), Class 6 (poisonous substances), Class 8 (corrosive substances), or Class 9 (miscellaneous hazardous materials) by the DOT. The DOT also assigns a four-digit identification number to each material, which must be displayed on the tank along with other placards that indicate the nature and degree of the hazard.

A DOT certified tank is not required for materials that are not regulated by the DOT, such as water, food, or non-hazardous chemicals. However, some states or local authorities may have additional requirements for transporting these materials, so it is advisable to check with them before transporting any material in a tank.


A DOT certified tank is a type of pressure vessel that meets the safety standards of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). To engineer and build a DOT certified tank, a company needs to have the expertise, equipment and quality control systems to ensure compliance with the DOT regulations. A company that can engineer and build a DOT certified tank should also have experience in designing, fabricating and testing tanks for various applications, such as transportation, storage and processing of liquids and gases.

To make a UL certified tank, a fabrication company needs to follow the UL specifications and requirements for the tank's material, construction, testing, and installation. The fabrication company also needs to apply for a UL certification and undergo an inspection by a UL representative. The UL representative will verify that the tank meets the UL standards and issue a UL label or mark for the tank. The UL label or mark indicates that the tank has been approved by UL and can be used safely and reliably. Spokane Stainless Technologies meets all of these requirements, and has the experience and expertise to take on your next UL tank requirement!


DOT 406: A DOT 406 tank is a type of cargo tank motor vehicle that meets the federal requirements for the transport of gasoline and other fuels with flash points less than 38°C (100°F) over public roadways per Title 49 (Transportation) of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). A DOT 406 tank has a single bulkhead at the front of the tank and is visually similar to most other types of fuel delivery tanks you may see on the road. A DOT 406 tank is also suitable, but not required, for the transport of diesel fuel and jet fuel, which have higher flash points. A DOT 406 tank must be repaired and maintained in accordance with the specification requirements in effect at the time of repair.

DOT 407: A DOT 407 tank is a type of cargo tank motor vehicle that is designed to transport liquid hazardous materials. It has a low-pressure rating of up to 40 psig and a minimum design temperature of -20°F. A DOT 407 tank is usually shaped like a horseshoe when viewed from the rear, and has an insulated outer shell to protect the contents from temperature changes. A DOT 407 tank can carry various substances, such as vegetable oils, syrups, milk, solvents, lubricants, and mild corrosives.

DOT 412: A DOT 412 tank is a type of cargo tank trailer that is used to transport corrosive and acidic liquids. It has a pressure range of -5 to 25 psi and a round cross-section. It is usually made of stainless steel and lined with rubber or plastic to prevent chemical damage. It may also have exterior strengthening rings and insulation. A DOT 412 tank can carry up to 6,000 gallons of hazardous liquids.

Let our decades of experience set you on the right course!

A Spokane Stainless Technologies craftsman polishes the inside of a vessel top head

Engineering Manager

Lloyd Lohf
Engineering Manager


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